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  • My (blog’s) elevator pitch

    My (blog’s) elevator pitch

    Taipei 101 elevator
    Taipei 101 elevator

    In an attempt to start blogging more frequently I watched a recording of Michael Hyatt’s webinar “Blog Faster and Blog Smarter“.  Today I’ve started reading a challenge called “31 Days to Build a Better Blog“. The first challenge is to write an elevator pitch for your blog (or actually what I’m all about personally). So here we go for a few first drafts. Short versions:

    1. Inspiration and actionable insights for founders and innovators with some bits of travel and photography.
    2. To help startups, scaleups and corporate innovators get to market leadership faster.
    3. Supporting startups, scaleups and innovators get going and growing
    4. (My) thoughts and learnings on entrepreneurship, innovation, travel and photography
    5. Helping founders and innovators struggle through the valley of death and the steep climb of the growth curve

    Giving the above some further thought and reading my bio again for now I’ll settle on: “Thoughts and inspiration on startups, scaleups and innovation with some bits of travel and photography

    Since and elevator ride in my favorite elevator (the Taipei 101) takes about 40 seconds the more extended version of my pitch is something like this:

    On a daily basis I work with the most gifted entrepreneurs getting startups going, scaleups growing and corporate innovations thriving. Together we share the joy and the hardship it takes to grow these ventures to market leaders. The lessons learned and the inspiration gained deserve to be shared to help you succeed in your entrepreneurial endeavours. Company growth and growth on a personal level go hand in hand. Leadership, personal development, technology, photography and travel are other things on my mind. I also consider these worth sharing so they will find their way into my stories and hopefully act as source of inspiration and facilitate a more personal connection.

    “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list” – Susan Sontag

  • How to define Startup and Scaleup

    How to define Startup and Scaleup

    Startups and scaleups have become an important force in our economy and more and more people are involved in building, mentoring, servicing and growing them. As more people get involved they often ask me how I define a startup and a scaleup. This post is meant to help you understand what a startup and what a scaleup is. Searching the internet you will however find many more definitions.


    In my opinion the definition used by Steve Blank is most appropriate: “a startups is temporary organisation formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model“. There are a few important aspects in this definition:

    • temporary organisation: this could mean a new company (as it is most commonly referred to) but this could be any group of people searching for that business model. Inside or outside an existing organisation, whether it be for profit or not for profit.
    • search: yes, you search for the business model. Existing organisations (and scaleups) execute a known business model and a startup is still searching for it. Most often this search is performed under conditions of extreme uncertainty (as Eric Ries includes in his definition of a startup). This implies you cannot use traditional business management tools to guide you through this search. However, the best startups perform this search in a disciplined way, using Eric Ries’ Lean Startup methodology or Steve Blank’s Customer Development process.
    • business model:  the business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value. In plain english: how you make money in a sustainable way.
    • repeatable and scaleable: this is key as it has to do with ambition. You’re not a startup without a big ambition and you can only grow quickly and grow big if you have a repeatable and scalable business. It is very hard to turn a hourly rate based consultancy into a big business as you need a lot of people. It’s easier to mass manufacture a product and distribute it using large and established retail channels. And it’s even easier to sell digital products online that have a close to zero marginal cost. That all has to do with a repeatable and scalable business model. Side note: I use the word easy, but in startup life nothing comes easy. Also: if you don’t want to grow big, you’re still an entrepreneur (likely building a lifestyle business) but you’re not a startup in my definition.


    Scaleups are most commonly defined as “enterprises with average annualised growth in employees or turnover greater than 20 per cent a year over a three-year period, and with 10 or more employees at the beginning of the observation period”. This definition is also used by the OECD, Nesta, World Economic Forum, EY and Endeavour and RSM (in Dutch). The companies or entrepreneurs are also called “High Growth Enterprises” or “High Impact Entrepreneurs”. While some definitions add that a minimum revenue of € 5 million is required at the beginning of the three year period, in practice I see lower amounts before organisations transition from startup to scaleup.

    The Transition, or: how the search evolves

    Of course the transition from a startup to a scaleup is not black and white and you don’t become a scaleup after you’ve shown high growth for three years. To understand when organisations transform from startup to scaleup it is important to understand how the search for that repeatable and scalable business model evolves. This search consists of the following phases:

    Value propostion canvas
    Value Proposition Canvas


    1. Need validation: the first thing you need is your value proposition. Above you see the value proposition canvas. Your customer ‘needs’ are included in the circle and include the pains, the gains and the jobs they need to get done. The first step is to validate these. Normally done by interviewing your customers.
    2. Problem-solution fit: you achieve problem-solution fit if you design a value proposition that, on paper, matches the customer pains, gains and jobs sufficiently to be unique in the market. At this stage you have achieved fit if you have pre-orders or Letters of Intent (LoI) to purchase your solution. Note that there is no need yet to actually build your product at this stage (although it helps to show a prototype in some cases).
    3. Product-market fit: this phase of the search takes a while. Here you prove that there is real demand in the market and have the strongest possible evidence that your value proposition resonates with customers. They now actually pay for your product (=money in the bank). Ideally this is done before first series production starts, for example through crowdfunding.
    4. Business model fit: you have achieved business model fit if you prove that you can build a sustainable business (are profit making, or: break even in case of a not-for profit). You have figured out a supply chain that is able to scale at reasonable costs and have distribution channels that leave you sufficient margin to operate at a profit. See below the business model canvas that describes the full business model.
    Business Model Canvas
    Business Model Canvas

    In practice I see that an organisation transitions from startup to scaleup after achieving an annual revenue of about € 2 to € 3 million. This is the amount of revenue you need to prove your business model fit.

    In terms of funding, startups went through phases of bootstrapped funding, grants, early stage loans, seed funding and most often at least Series A before they achieve the status of a scaleup.


    “From what we get, we can make a living. What we give, however, makes a life.” – Arthur Ashe

    Hidden iOS gestures

    I’ve discovered some really handy time-saving hidden gestures in iOS:

    Swipe down in mail to minimize the compose window

    Swipe left or right to delete digits in the calculator

    Tap and hold the “123” button to type one symbol

    Tap-tap-swipe for one handed zooming in Google Maps

    For more from where these came from please visit Lifehacker.

    “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” ― Marilyn Monroe

    How to say ‘no’

    At some point in your career you will have more requests coming your way than you possibly can handle. Having three meetings at the same time at different locations is physically impossible and in such cases I find it relatively easy to say no. At other times it is more difficult. I just listened to a great podcast on this topic with some very useful tips and practical advice. Head over to Michael Hyatt’s blog to find the podcast, video and other resources.

    Another resource I would like to share on this topic is the book that influences many by Greg McKeown, Essentialism – the disciplined pursuit of less. There is a whole section on saying ‘no’ in his book. He’s also written a short blogpost about it, which unfortunately is not as insightful as the book (for a reason probably, so buy the b0ok!).

    Good luck saying ‘no’ this week!

    Series A funding advice

    When two of the VCs I’m following refer to a blogpost at the same time it must be a good read. It’s a post about raising a series A for a fintech startup eShares and it contains some valuable advice generally applicable to the fundraising process as well as a copy of the pitch deck. 

    The investors who won’t invest will ask you why they should. The investors who will invest ask you why they shouldn’t.

    If you don’t feel the excitement already before the meeting you’re likely not talking to your next investor. 

    Unless you have business that fits in a spreadsheet, avoid investors who think you should.

    European investors in general still have a higher tendency to ask for a financial forecast but if you’re truly talking to an early stage investor it shouldn’t matter. Have your numbers ready though, you better be prepared. 

    Go read the full post here, it’s insightful. 

    The two VCs are Fred Wilson and Brad Feld

    Self awareness

    Go all-in on your strengths and don’t bother about your weaknesses. To do that, be self aware. 

    Gary describes it in a way only he can but he’s got a point: be self aware. 

    Change direction

    So well said….

    Our culture places a huge premium on choosing the right answer, as if we’re all on some sort of game show.

    Much less credit is given to people brave enough to realize that they’ve made a mistake who go ahead and choose a new direction.

    The full post is not much longer, go and read it.